How We lend Our Paws,
As we come across them, we report on exceptional pet stores and web sites and talk about where to find the latest pet accessories, foods and much more! Each week Our Doggies Friends along with Little man and Me Cappy will brings you useful tips on how to peacefully coexist with your Human Owners. Features include pet’s in the news, special guests, and anything else us Dogs feel they want to talk about!
This is a safe place for us Dog’s, Cat's and any other Animal who would like to lend a word or two!
As strong advocates of socially-responsible Dogs, Little Man & Cappy Believe a long with regular health checkups that the community of pet owners, numbering in the tens of millions in America alone, feels compassion and concern for their animals, is something the Humans may want to hear right out of our BARKS!!! Many of our Friends have devoted their lives to helping lost, displaced, endangered or abused and Handicap Humans.
LM & Cappy’s goal is: to be informative, fun and the safest Blog for Dogs and Other Animals to talk! In the world at large because the Internet knows no geographic boundaries, we take personal pride in satisfying our thirst for knowledge in how to become a better and more informed Dogs & Animals.
Our Motto: Lord captain Bowes Rees and his brother Little Man Lends their paws to help those paws in need” ©CBR&LM 2009
As we come across them, we report on exceptional pet stores and web sites and talk about where to find the latest pet accessories, foods and much more! Our Doggies Friends along with Little man and Me Cappy will brings you useful tips on how to peacefully coexist with your Human Owners. Topics : pet’s in the news, special guests, and anything else us Dogs feel we want to talk about! This is a safe place for Animal who would like to lend a word or two!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Earthquake Alert Not Again- Let's Lend Our Paws Emergency Preparedness
Earthquake Alert Not Again
Emergency Preparedness - natural or man made disaster planning for pets!
Living here in Los Angeles, California we are used to Mother Nature’s little surprises! During the worst fire storms in the history of California, I was about eight miles away from the nearest one and the boys and I were ready and packed, just in case we had to leave. Just last week on July 6 we had another 5.6 earthquake lucky for the Boys and myself we were at the Boys daddy's home and did not feel it ,yet again it reminded me I must get ready because they no longer tell us if and when the BIG ONE HITS!
But what about you? Are you ready in case of a disaster, whether natural or man made? No matter where you live, it is always best to have a plan and know what to do in an emergency.
Now this may sound funny and I do not by any means say do this all the time - What I am saying is to sit down and map out how you will get out in case of a fire , flood or the Big One Earthquake.
Then make sure all family members know the plan make sure you have supplies , your batteries are in good shape change them once a year and then if you are able to practice a fire drill with your younger Children and dogs, cats any other pets you may have this would be a good time to teach your children to STOP ,DROP and ROLL.
Basics of Stop, Drop, & Roll in Fires: Basic Fire Safety & Escape Plans
Earthquake Supplies
In the case of an earthquake (like those here in California), you should have at least seven days of supplies and food for you and your pets. Some of my sources even suggest a two to three week supply.
Disaster Kit
As part of your overall family disaster plan, you should also include a disaster kit for your animals. Your kit should include:
• Leashes for all the family pets that can be leashed.
• A health record for your pet, which should include:
a) Your pet’s vaccination history
b) Your vet’s phone number and address
c) Any other pertinent information on any medical problems your pet may have
d) Sufficient medications for your pet for at least a week - making sure to rotate the medicine so it doesn’t expire from age.
e) A prescription for additional medicines, just in case you have to go to another town and cannot get to your vet’s office.
• Enough food and water for seven days for your animals. (As a frame of reference, have a gallon of water for a medium sized dog, and about a quart per day for small dogs and cats.) Food should be stored in watertight containers and should be rotated also to keep it fresh.
• Carriers for your animals, which should be readily accessible.
• Recent photographs of all your pets in the kit. This helps shelters identify them if they become lost and happen to be picked up by animal control.
• A list of friends, veterinarians and kennels where your pets can stay during a disaster.
• First aid kit, blankets, towels, muzzles for an emergency, and a manual can opener.
• Food and water bowls for your pets.
• A pooper scooper and plastic bags for pet waste.
• A battery operated radio, in case of a power outage, or you are somewhere without electricity.
• Batteries
• Gloves: rubber and leather work gloves
• Rope, waterproof nylon in 12 foot lengths
• Bungee cords
• Candles
• Pet wipes
• Liquid soap
• Paper filter masks
• Paper cups and plates
• Disposable camera
• Candles and matches in a zip-lock bag
• Box of zip-lock bags
• Tape, moving tape, electrical tape: in case you have to make posters
• Permanent marker
• Silver thermal blanket (you can get at a camping store)
• Kaopectate
• Roll of plastic for water barrier, in case of sleeping on ground
• I even have a battery powered television/radio for getting emergency information.
Store all their supplies in a plastic tub near the door, or find a water proof large bag on wheels in which anyone in the family can easily move along with them.
• Make sure your dog has a collar and an identification tag with their name, your name and phone number on it. Include the phone number of a relative who is out-of-state, who can be contacted in case your phone line is out.
• Consider having your pet permanently identified with a tattoo or microchip.
Lost Pets
• If your pet becomes lost, periodically check with your out-of-state relative in case they get any news from any authorities who may have found your pet and called them.
• Post pictures and/or flyer's
• Constantly check with all shelters within a twenty mile radius.
• Keep your gas tank at least half full and remember to evacuate early and take your pets with you.
• If you have larger animals, make sure your trailer is in good condition and stocked with their appropriate food needs.
• After a rainstorm, make sure to empty all containers where water may have collected; so they don’t become stagnant and become a breeding place for mosquitoes or any bacteria or protozoa that could cause your pet to become ill.
It wasn’t until the earthquake of 1994 that I learned the hard way to be prepared. When the earthquake hit at 4:00 am we were safe. The dogs knew ahead of time and had run out of the bedroom to hide under the table. We did not have power or water for three days, but lucky for me, there was a small local market next to my house. But I learned a great lesson: to be ready at all times, and I have had my emergency kit from that time on. I hope this helps you to be ready now and not to learn the way I had to.
“ Lord captain Bowes Rees and Little Man Rees Lends their paws to help those paws in need , They want us to Remember to Choose your next best friend wisely - they'll be with you for a lifetime.”©2000 WNR
That is it for today here in sunny Los Angeles, and as we say in London, Ta-ta, Cheerio,
Toodle-hoo or in Mexico Adios,Los Dos volver lo antes posible, See you all as soon as we can!
Love Cappy Bowes Rees and Little Man Rees
Lord Captain Bowes Rees & his Friends lend a paw ©2009WNR & CBR
Travel made Easy now - Join Cappy’s Special Pack a Paw club©2009
To Email us please send all your post , Ideas , Pictures and anything else you want to
Picture Taken
Debra Jo Chiapuzio
Emma Zen ,Cappy & Little Man
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